DScK auf dem ESC-Kongress 2024: Erwartungen an Selbstmanagement-Apps
5. September 2024
DScK veröffentlicht ersten iCARE4CVD-Artikel zum Thema PREMs in der Herzinsuffizienzversorgung
12. September 2024We at Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke are delighted to be part of the iCARE4CVD project funded by the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) and to have attended the in-person consortium meeting in London.
This gave Dr. Bianca Steiner the opportunity to present the work done so far by WP4 – Co-Creation of Key Stakeholders: Perspectives, Participation, and Motivation.
What we have achieved in the past year:
- Set up the non-interventional, multi-center, mixed-methods study “Participative Research for Individualized Care in Cardiovascular Diseases” (DRKS00034899)
- Completion of title, abstract and full text screening as part of the scoping review “Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measurements in Cardiovascular Disease” (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/BSXNT)
- Identification of barriers to adequate therapy and technology adherence
- Development of appropriate solutions and motivational techniques to overcome individual adherence barriers
Special thanks to all partners actively involved in WP4 for their invaluable collaboration. We can’t wait to continue our partnership in the project and are really excited about the upcoming steps and results!